Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Mount USB Key for sipXecs Backups

Ok, so you don't want to bother setting up an FTP server to store backups of your sipXecs system. Here's how to mount a USB Key to your backup folder.

Most USB keys will setup SCSI drive device (in my case it was /dev/sda1). Plug in a USB key and check out the /var/log/messages file to see what device was created.

You'll want to get a little program installed on your system called 'scsiadd'. This allows you to remove USB scsi devices from the system without causing them damage. It's available here: http://llg.cubic.org/tools/

The following assumes you are logged into the system as root...

Add required packages:
yum install lsscsi

If you don't have development tools on your sipXecs system yet, add them:
yum install gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel

Download, build and install scsiadd:
cd $HOME
mkdir scsiadd
cd scsiadd
wget http://llg.cubic.org/tools/scsiadd-1.97.tar.gz
tar -xf scsiadd-1.97.tar.gz
cd scsiadd-1.97
make install

Command line options:

scsiadd 1.97 - add and remove devices from the scsi subsystem
syntax: scsiadd {-a|-r}
scsiadd {-a|-r}
scsiadd {-a|-r}
scsiadd {-a|-r}
scsiadd [-i maxid] -s
scsiadd [-i maxid] -s
scsiadd -p
parameters not given are assumed 0
-a: add a device (default if no command given)
-r: remove device
-s: scan for devices
-p: print scsi status
-h: print this help message
-i: maximum SCSI ID which is scanned

Here's a good blog article on using scsiadd: http://blog.shadypixel.com/safely-removing-external-drives-in-linux/

Essentially, to remove a scsi device while the system is running, first find the device with lsscsi and then use scsiadd -r to remove it...

[root@sipx scsiadd-1.97]# lsscsi
[3:0:0:0] disk CBM USB 2.0 5.00 /dev/sdb
[root@sipx scsiadd-1.97]# scsiadd -r 3
could not remove device 0 0 3 0 : No such device or address
[root@sipx scsiadd-1.97]# scsiadd -r 3 0 0 0
[root@sipx scsiadd-1.97]#

Ok, now let's get to making the USB work:

Convert your USB drive from FAT16 or whatever it is to ext3:

mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1

Modify /etc/fstab:

nano -w /etc/fstab

Add the following line at the bottom:

/dev/sda1 /var/sipxdata/backup vfat auto,user,rw,sync 0 0

Test your fstab file now:

mount -a

And check to see that it is mounted:


Change ownership on backup folder:

chown -R sipxchange:sipxchange /var/sipxdata/backup

Perform a test backup from the GUI.

Monday, December 28, 2009

How to fix the yum repos file for sipXecs 4.0.4

Edit the /etc/yum.repos.d/sipxecs.repo

nano -w /etc/yum.repos.d/sipxecs.repo

on all the lines that begin with mirrorlist and baseurl change the 5.2 to be just 5.

Here's the resulting sipxecs.repo file.

name=CentOS-5.2 - Base

#released updates
name=CentOS-5.2 - Updates

#packages used/produced in the build but not released
name=CentOS-5.2 - Addons

#additional packages that may be useful
name=CentOS-5.2 - Extras

#additional packages that extend functionality of existing packages
name=CentOS-5.2 - Plus

name=SIPfoundry sipXecs pbx - latest stable version

Monday, October 5, 2009

DNS concepts for sipXecs

Published a new whitepaper on dealing with DNS and sipXecs.


Let me know if there are any glaring problems. I'll likely add other scenarios as time goes along. If you have a specific need please let me know.

Monday, September 28, 2009

More Document Updates

I updated the "Installing OpenSBC on Vyatta 5" document again. Added a firewall rule change and also tweaked the formatting and text a little bit to clarify a few of the finer points.

While I was at it I also freshened up the "DNS Setup Concepts for Session Border Controllers" document also published at www.OpenSourceSIP.org.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Updated document on Installing OpenSBC on Vyatta 5

Sorry for the delay all but a project finally forced my hand on this. Here's a link to the updated document for installing OpenSBC on Vyatta 5.0.

Install OpenSBC on Vyatta 5.0

The original document was built with Vyatta 5.0 beta and there were some changes with the final release of Vyatta 5.0.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Setting up DNS for Internet Calling

Somebody questioned how I was handling DNS inside and outside my network so I figured I'd document what I'm doing for remote users and Internet dialing.

I have the following setup at home right now. This same configuration would apply for a small business that doesn't have static IP's (I'm sure you could cherry pick info here if you do have static IP's too).

My home sip server is in SIP domain xyzcompany.com (just one i made up while i was writing the book)

I'm on a DSL connection at home with a non-static IP.

My sipxecs.info domain is hosted at GoDaddy.com

My firewall (pfSense) updates sipxecs.dyndns.info with my current IP address

sipx.sipxecs.info is a CNAME pointing to sipxecs.dyndns.info
_sip._udp.sipxecs.info priority 0, weight 0, port 5060 points to sipx.sipxecs.info

Copied existing xyzcompany.com.zone to sipxecs.info.zone in /var/named
Modified sipxecs.info.zone file and replaced all references to 'xyzcompany.com' with 'sipxecs.info'.
Edit /etc/named.conf and duplicated info from xyzcompany.com domain for new sipxecs.info domain.
Restart DNS and make sure you can ping / dig new domain.

sipXecs Configuration Server
Buy my book :-)
Add alias to domain (Domain is under System menu) for sipxecs.info.
Restart all services that request restart.
Add the SIP Trunking services to the SIP Server (Click on server in System->Servers).
Restart all services that request restart.
Enable Internet Dialing and set your internal IP range (under System menu), set the SBC to be sipXbridge-1. Added *.sipxecs.info as an Intranet Domain.
Enable NAT Traversal and let sipXecs know it is behind a NAT (Click on Internet Calling in System then NAT is on LEFT menu).

Internal Workstations / Phones
Determine where you are pointing for DNS.
If you are pointing at the PBX machine then no worries.
If you are pointing at some other DNS server you'll need to figure out how to get that machine to point to the PBX to resolve your domain (in my case all resolves for the sipxecs.info domain can be redirected by pfSense to the PBX and I point to pfSense for my DNS server).

pfSense Firewall Configuration
Turn off automatic NAT so NAT port translation is static (See earlier Blog Entry)
For the following NAT entries, allow pfSense to also create the required firewall rules.
Add NAT entry for External IP port 5060 udp to sipXecs internal IP port 5060 udp.
Add NAT entry for External IP port 5080 udp to sipXecs internal IP port 5080 udp. (only needed if you do SIP Trunks).
Add NAT entry for External IP port range 30000-31000 udp to sipXecs internal IP port range starting at 30000.

So, what does all this do?

Allows my roaming users and other users on the internet to find my sipXecs server via an external IP address that is forwarded in to my PBX.

Allows my internal users to find my sipXecs via an internal IP address.

Allows anybody on the internet to reach me at myextension 'at' sipxecs 'dot' info.

Also, if you add an alias onto your sipXecs user extension that is equal to your e-mail alias, now users can phone you (with url dialing in their softphone) or email you at exactly the same address... voila!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

sipXecs 4.0.2 Released

sipXecs version 4.0.2 was officially released yesterday. There were a bunch of bug fixes (23) and some minor improvements (5) and one feature added.

Release Notes

Of note is the new Skype for SIP ITSP Template. The sipXecs development team has tested Skype for SIP but Skype has not made this generally available. When Skype finally gets this rolling it will be an easy add to our systems. I'll try to post it in the blog as soon as I get my account. I'm signed up for the Beta program and just waiting on Skype.

I tested the 4.0.2 upgrade on one of my sandbox systems and all went well. I'll test it on another any only post if I run into problems.

There is one change in the 4.0.2 upgrade procedure that everybody should note (documented on the upgrade page (http://sipx-wiki.calivia.com/index.php/SipXecs_4.0.2_Upgrade):

The local domain bind zone is overwritten; if: You are using the system as a DNS server, and You have made any manual changes to the zone file then before doing the upgrade, you should add the following lines to the beginning of the file /etc/named.conf:

// WARNING: Name server configuration is a sipX automatically generated file.
// Contents may be overwritten unless you change the mode to "Manual".
// Available modes:
// "Master" - Master name server (on primary server).
// "Slave" - Slave named server (on distributed server).
// "Caching" - Caching only name server.
// "Manual" - Blocks future automatic updates.
// DNS_MODE="Manual"

this will protect your changes from any automated updates by sipXconfig.
Backup your /etc/named.conf file as well as any DNS zone files you may have tweaked (if you installed from ISO they are in /var/named/xxxxx.zone).

Saturday, September 5, 2009

pfSense with Freeswitch for SIP Trunks to sipXecs

Ok, so here's a bit of a new twist. I was toying with the thought of trying to get OpenSBC running on pfSense firewall. Long story short, I couldn't get the developer version of pfSense running in a virtual on my machine so I decided to give the FreeSwitch pfSense package a go.

What do you know... I actually got it going as a bridge pretty easily. So I figured I'd document it for others who follow...

The purpose of this exercise was to have pfSense with FreeSwitch register to my Gizmo account and forward calls in to sipXecs. This is just a starting point but shows great promise as a way to front-end a sipXecs server.

1. In pfSense install the FreeSwitch package (System -> Packages - FreeSwitch) (I picked the Dev version to run on my pfSense 1.2.3 rc1 install).

2. Once installed, go to Services -> FreeSwitch.

3. Click on the Gateways tab and then the + sign on the right to add a new gateway.

4. At the top of the Gateway Setup form is a handy hyperlink to examples for different SIP Providers. Here is my Gizmo configuration:
  • Gateway: gizmo
  • Username: 1747xxxxxxx
  • Password: xxxxxxxx
  • From-user: 1747xxxxxxx
  • From-domain: proxy01.sipphone.com
  • Proxy: proxy01.sipphone.com
  • Expire-seconds: 3600
  • Register: true
  • Retry-seconds: 3600
  • Caller-id-in-from: false
  • Enabled: true
  • Gateway Description: Gateway to gizmo account
5. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.

6. Click on the Public tab at the top of the page.

7. Click on the + sign over on the right hand side of the Public table to create a new extension.

8. Create the following extension:
  • Extension Name: sipXecs
  • Enabled: true
  • Order: 000
  • Description: Transfer to internal spiXecs Server
9. Add the following conditions and actions at the bottom of this page (hit the + sign to add each one).
  • Tag: condition
  • Type: destination_number
  • Data: 1747xxxxxxx
  • Order: 000
  • Tag: action
  • Type: bridge
  • Data: sofia/lan/100@ip.addr.of.sipxecs (what sipXecs extension to route it to)
  • Order: 001

10. On the Status tab, click the 'reloadxml' button. You should see your gateway in the 'sofia status' section as 'REGED' if you have done things properly.

11. Create 2 firewall rules in pfSense (Firewall -> Rules):
  • Action: Pass
  • Interface: WAN
  • Protocol: UDP
  • Source: any
  • Destination: WAN address
  • Destination port range: 5080

  • Action: Pass
  • Interface: WAN
  • Protocol: UDP
  • Source: any
  • Destination: WAN address
  • Destination port range: 10000 – 35000 (* - I haven’t tried narrowing this down…)

12. Try dialing your Gizmo number and your sipXecs server should answer the call!

Tip, if you get a Google Voice account you can make it ring inbound to your Gizmo account and have free inbound calling.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tale of an old sipXecs install...

So, I had a customer with an old sipXecs install... version 3.8 on Fedora 6 to be exact (I've still got one out there with 3.4 but that will be a complete re-do).

My plan was to upgrade in-place to 3.10.2, get a backup, install 3.10.2 on CentOS from ISO, do a restore, upgrade to 3.10.3 in place, upgrade to 4.0.1 in-place and see where I sat.

This would have been much easier if Yum was cooperating. Seems as though Yum from Fedora Core 6 had some issues. It would bomb with a header error on the large sipX files.

So smart me figures I'd just go update Yum... not so easy. All of the Fedora files are now archived and my .repo files were out of date. Thus begins the odyssey... I had to do a little mixing and matching of Fedora 6 and 7 yum repos to resolve all of the dependency issues.

I'm posting my .repo files here in hopes of helping somebody else... Keep in mind that I'm no Linux expert and there might be a much simpler way to make this work!

name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch
gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY

name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Debug
gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY

name=Fedora Core $releasever - Source
gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY

name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch
gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY

name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Debug
gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY

name=Fedora Core $releasever - Source
gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY

name=Fedora Everything $releasever - $basearch

name=Fedora Everything $releasever - $basearch - Debug

name=Fedora Everything $releasever - Source

name=Fedora Extras $releasever - $basearch

name=Fedora Extras $releasever - $basearch - Debug

name=Fedora Extras $releasever - Source

name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Updates

name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Updates - Debug

name=Fedora Core $releasever - Updates Source

name=Fedora Core 6 $releasever - $basearch - Updates

name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Updates - Debug

name=Fedora Core $releasever - Updates Source

Once you have all the repos in place in the /etc/yum.repos.d folder you'll still need to remove a couple packages that complain...

rpm -e authconfig firstboot-tui-1.4.23-1.noarch

And then you should be able to do a:

yum update yum

After that completes yum should work properly, remove the repos from the /etc/yum.repos.d folder and create sipxecs-stable-fc.repo (nano /etc/yum.repos.d/sipxecs-stable-fc.repo) with the following information:

name=SIPfoundry sipXecs pbx - latest stable version

Friday, August 7, 2009

SIP Trunking Gotcha with pfsense & m0n0wall

Jonathan Peterson from Ontra ran into some trouble with SIP Trunking and sipXecs that was actually being introduced by pfsense & m0n0wall.

I thought I'd just document it here for future reference (mine as well as others)...

It seems that some firewalls will randomize outbound ports. This can mess up certain protocols such as SIP. With SIP, if the source port for the REGISTER does not match the source port for the INVITE you may get an SIP error 403.

The solution is to statically map the ports for the NAT traversal. The solution to the problem is documented here.

Thanks to Jonathan for putting in the hard work!

sipXecs Version 4.2 Roadmap

Development is pushing on with sipXecs despite the turmoil going on with Nortel. Looks like the group working on the SCS / sipXecs project will end up heading to Avaya if all goes well. I'm hoping that Avaya can keep the ball rolling with this project as it has really become one of the top options out there for Open Source systems.

For version 4.2 the developers are working on a bunch of new or enhanced features. The complete list is here, but this is my take on the additions:

Openfire Integration - This will bring the ability to sync your availability with many different IM systems. I'm not a huge IM user so to me this will probably have limited usefulness.

Dimdim Integration - Dimdim is an open source web conferencing solution. Due to the distributed nature of many sipXecs installations, the integration of Dimdim project with sipXecs will be a great benefit to many.

New Voicemail System - I think the current Voicemail System works pretty well in most cases. It does fall down a bit with the dial by name directory so hopefully this will be addressed.

Branch Office Survivable Solution - I'm on the fence about this one. I've been setting up most customers with individual PBX's at each site. This simplifies the installation quite a bit. Each time I have to upgrade a HA installation I dread it because something always breaks. It sounds great to have a single system that is managed centrally, but in my book simplicity breeds reliability.

Bridged Line Appearances - This will be great for those small offices that just need to know "What line is that call on?".

Auto Attendant Improvements - Again, the AA is pretty good now. It just lacks the ability to have a live operator during the day. I usually end up routing calls to a Phantom user and have it do some time of day routing for how I want the calls to actually ring.

Call Detail Record Improvements - These can only get better. What is in the system now is not overly usable to an administrator.

Improved User Portal - The current user portal is pretty drab. While that is fine for administering the system, the user needs a little more pizazz. Here are some ideas that are being tossed around. Maybe users will actually use the portal if it is a little slicker!

Enhanced Directory Services - How about making it sync with Outlook or my Google Contacts? That would be pretty sweet.

Multiple ACD Servers in a Cluster - I wish they would just rip out the present ACD and put in one that works. The current ACD is junk mostly because it doesn't like it when you transfer calls out of Queue. Who cares about multiple ACD servers that still are useless.

E911 Notification by SMS - This will be a cool add-on to the detection of 911 dialing. When a user dials 911 in addition to being able to send an e-mail (as the system does now), the system will be able to send an SMS message.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Microsoft Kills Response Point

A blog post at TMC by Tom Keating is indicating that Response Point is dead.

Personally I never thought this product would go much of anywhere... although I must admit I was keeping a weary eye on it. If MS makes up their mind to go after something it can do it. I think MS realized that the customers who might deploy this type of solution don't want to put more reliance in MS products... And the vendors who might choose to install this type of product might not understand it and do poor jobs implementing it.

I think it had some potential but Microsoft has a real muddied message here with Response Point and Office Communications Server. Personally, I'm not thinking that OCS is going to go anywhere either.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

sipXecs 3.10.x to 4.0.1 upgrade update...

Looks like the method documented in the sipXecs Wiki works properly. I haven't done it on a production system yet but on my demo box things are clean.

Upgrade instructions: http://sipx-wiki.calivia.com/index.php/SipXecs_4.0.1_Upgrade

Friday, June 26, 2009

Upgrading from 3.10.x to 4.0.1

There still seem to be some bugs in upgrading from 3.10.x to 4.0.1.

Some thing is just going wrong and I'm not sure where the problem lies.  Here's how I have gotten around the problem:

First - BACKUP your 3.10.x system, copy the backups to your local PC and make sure you have the Install CD for your existing version in case you need to go back.

Copy new stable repo file to pbx:

 - Login as root to PBX.

 - cd /etc/yum.repos.d

 - wget http://sipxecssw.org/pub/sipXecs/sipxecs-stable-centos.repo

Perform yum update:

 - yum update


 - reboot

sipXecs won't start up properly.  Install sipxsupervisor with yum:

 - yum install sipxsupervisor

Restart sipXecs services:

 - service sipxecs restart

Login to PBXadministration web console as superadmin.

Perform backup and download configuration / voicemail backups to local PC.

Make sure you know your IP addressing, host name, SIP domain, DNS & DHCP server settings.

Install 4.0.1 fresh from ISO (this will format your hard drive so if you didn't get that backup off the PBX, do it again or you will be SOL).

Restore the 4.0.1 backup to the freshly installed 4.0.1 PBX.

It seems like the long way around to get it done but it works and preserves your configuration. I haven't tried upgrading an HA install yet... 

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tip for Uploading Voicemail Prompts

So, uploading voicemail prompts still isn't available in the web GUI for sipXecs... here's where to copy pre-recorded prompts though.

For AA prompts:


For USER greetings:

/var/sipxdata/mediaserver/data/mailstore/ (where line is the extension, like "200")

The filenames for user greetings at present are: standard.wav, extendedabsence.wav, outofoffice.wav

Monday, June 22, 2009

Release 4.0.1 posted as stable

sipXecs Version 4.0.1 has been posted to the stable repository.

There were a lot of fixes from the 4.0.0 release (110 to be exact).

Reportedly the upgrade from 3.10.x is working also now but I have yet to test it.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

New sipXecs Book available!

The cat is finally out of the bag... I've been working with Packt Publishing on a book on sipXecs 4.0 (that's why this blog has been a little sparse).

The book is now available in pre-release (what Packt calls Raw) format.

The book title is Building Enterprise Ready Telephony Systems with sipXecs 4.0.

It is available for purchase/download by clicking on the above link.



Thursday, April 9, 2009

New Patton US Tone Set for 5.2 and 5.3 firmware

Got this new US Tone Set from Patton...

profile call-progress-tone US_Dialtone
play 1 1000 350 -13 440 -13

profile call-progress-tone US_Alertingtone
play 1 1000 440 -19 480 -19
pause 2 3000

profile call-progress-tone US_Busytone
play 1 500 480 -24 620 -24
pause 2 500

profile call-progress-tone US_Releasetone
play 1 250 480 -24 620 -24
pause 2 250

profile tone-set US
map call-progress-tone dial-tone US_Dialtone
map call-progress-tone ringback-tone US_Alertingtone
map call-progress-tone busy-tone US_Busytone
map call-progress-tone release-tone US_Releasetone
map call-progress-tone congestion-tone US_Busytone

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

sipXecs and Skype

Caught this on the SIPFoundry web site ...

When Skype announced Skype for SIP beta applications were available we knew we had to apply. Fortunately we received our acceptance tonight and within minutes sipXbridge was making calls out the Skype for SIP network. Look for more on this when we release sipXecs 4.0 very soon.

Skype could be a major connectivity player... it certainly has become a household term!

Monday, March 23, 2009

sipXecs 4.0 Draws Near...

Picked up on a post to the SipFoundry web site...

After a ton of development it's getting real close. sipXecs release 4.0 has been in its final testing phase now for a while and there are only a few issues left that need to be resolved before release. It's a big release, probably the biggest ever. sipXecs turned into a fully distributed system with centralized management.

Read the rest: SipFoundry

Monday, March 16, 2009

VoIP Trouble Shooter

Found a great on-line resource for diagnosing Voice Traffic Problems.

VoIP Troubleshooter.com provides free online diagnostic tools and information for network managers. The site was originally created and sponsored by Telchemy Incorporated with Acterna joining as a sponsor in 2005.

Check it out: http://www.voiptroubleshooter.com/diagnosis/index.html

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Make Aastra plugins work in sipXecs 3.10.3

We're looking at putting sipXecs into a customer that already has a bunch of Aastra 5x series phones. Problem is that Aastra managed phone support isn't coming to sipXecs until version 4.0.

However, it is possible to take the plugins from the development version of sipXecs (currently 3.11.

Built a 3.11.9 box and grabbed aastra-phones.jar from the \usr\share\java\sipXecs\sipXconfig folder.

Copied aastra-phones.jar to \usr\share\sipxpbx\lib folder on 3.10.3 box.

Copied all files from http://sipxecs.sipfoundry.org/ViewVC/sipXecs/main/sipXconfig/plugins/aastra/etc/ to /etc/sipxpbx/aastra.

Changed owner of files and folder to sipxchange ( 'chown sipxchange:sipxchange /etc/sipxpbx/aastra' and 'chown sipxchange:sipxchange /etc/sipxpbx/aastra/*' )

Restarted sipxpbx services (service sipxpbx restart).

What to do when sipXecs ISO installer doesn't have the proper network card drivers...

Installing sipXecs on BioStar Motherboard with Integrated Realtek RTL8110SC/8169SC Network Adpter

CentOS 5.2 with Realtek RTL8110SC/8169SC network adapter

The CentOS installed from the sipXecs 3.10.2 ISO did not have the drivers for this particular motherboard / network adapter so I was forced to do some digging. So others can benefit from my pain I documented my solution..

I downloaded kmod-r8169-2.3LK_NAPI-1.el5.i686.rpm from http://centos.toracat.org/ajb/CentOS-5/r8169 to a USB drive on my laptop.

Plugged the USB drive into the server and waited for the 'up' message.

Made a directory to mount the usb drive to (mkdir /media/usbdisk1 )

Mounted the drive (mount /dev/sda1 /media/usbdisk1 )

Changed to the directory (cd /media/usbdisk1 )

Installed the RPM (rpm -ivh kmod-r8169-2.3LK_NAPI-1.el5.i686.rpm )

Rebooted machine.

After boot, login as root.

Run linux setup command (setup)

Set the static IP address on the network card that was specified at sipXecs installation.

Save and exit setup.

Restart network services (service network restart)

Restart sipX services (service sipxpbx restart)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rules for Vyatta to pass XBox Live Traffic

Here are the NAT, Firewall and Interface rules required to pass XBox Live traffic for an XBox 360. My inside interface is eth0 and my outside interface it eth1. Tweak accordingly...

yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy = IP Address of the xbox

NAT stuff:

rule 10 {
destination {
port 88
inbound-interface eth1
inside-address {
address yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
protocol udp
type destination
rule 11 {
destination {
port 3074
inbound-interface eth1
inside-address {
address yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
protocol udp
type destination
rule 12 {
destination {
port 3074
inbound-interface eth1
inside-address {
address yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
protocol tcp
type destination

Rules to apply inbound to outside interface:

rule 30 {
action accept
destination {
port 88
protocol udp
rule 31 {
action accept
destination {
port 3074
protocol udp
rule 32 {
action accept
destination {
port 3074
protocol tcp

The MTU settings on the Interfaces:

ethernet eth0 {
address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/24
description inside
firewall {
in {
hw-id xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
mtu 1500
ethernet eth1 {
address dhcp
firewall {
in {
local {
hw-id xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
mtu 1500

And, give your XBOX a static IP address:

static-mapping XBOX360 {
ip-address yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
mac-address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Saturday, January 3, 2009

DNS Concepts with Session Border Controllers

Published another document today on configuring internal / external DNS for use with Session Border Controllers. It's got a bit of a sipXecs slant to it but should be useful for others looking for redundant and load balanced SBC setup help.

It is available HERE and HERE2

YMMV with Asterisk & FreeSwitch installations and SRV based authentication methods... Most of the setups I have seen are A records pointing to the PBX.

Use Microsoft DNS Servers with sipXecs

Alright, so you want to maintain one set of DNS servers for your organization and it's just easier for you to do it with Microsoft's DNS servers?

I made public a document I wrote a couple years ago and published it on the sipX Wiki. Located here.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

OpenSBC on Vyatta Firewall How-To published

After toiling for many hours I was finally able to get OpenSBC running properly on Vyatta. This solution builds a firewall that allows for Inbound SIP calling, Outbound SIP calling and far-end NAT traversal for remote users.

The paper is published HERE and HERE2

Many thanks to Joegen, Eric and Raymond over on the OpenSBC site for their help and patience with me in getting this going.