Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Goodbye SIPfoundry / sipXecs, Hello sipXcom!

Based on increasing difficulties working with project leadership at SIPfoundry, eZuce will no longer be supporting the sipXecs project at SIPfoundry.  We plan however to continue our support for open source communications projects. It has been a very productive five years and we have supported the community diligently during this time. It has certainly been an amazing journey from where the product was in 2010 at version 4.2 to where it is today with release 14.10. This past year we continued our support with 14.04 and 14.10 releases despite comments by SIPfoundry leadership in recent months.

Where do we go from here?

eZuce has created a new organization in Github called sipXcom and forked all of the sipXecs project repositories. All of the sipFoundry licensing of course remains in place for all the existing code so as to honor the copy left requirements from the AGPL3 license. Additional fixes will be freely available in sipXcom repositories.

The experts who have helped to build sipXecs into the incredible product that it is will be found in the Google Groups sipxcom-users@googlegroups.com (https://groups.google.com/d/forum/sipxcom-users) and sipxcom-dev@googlegroups.com (https://groups.google.com/d/forum/sipxcom-dev). We invite the rest of the sipX-users and sipX-dev mailing list users to join us there.

eZuce employees will not be participating in the sipX-users or sipX-dev mailing lists from this point forward. Unfortunately we'll lose some mailing list history with this move, but the search and indeed the entire mailing list has been a mess for quite a while anyway.

We'll be publishing update 4 soon for 14.04. And update 1 to 14.10 with a couple fixes that need to get in there. RPM's and ISO's will be available at http://download.sipxcom.org. Moving forward from the 15.04 release in April, we'll be publishing monthly releases (15.05, 15.06, 15.07, etc.).

A new project page will be available at http://www.sipxcom.org.

With so many of us who have so much energy and time invested, its with sad hearts that we leave sipFoundry and sipXecs behind.

However, we have great optimism for the future with sipXcom and we are very excited about our next generation open source communications project.  Please join us.


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