Install Zimbra 7.2 in Amazon Web Services on Amazon Linux (or CentOS 6)
Creating an AWS instance in normal AWS space and stopping and starting a server will have profound repercussions if:
The AMI used is Instance Store - Drive image reset (all data lost)
The Instance is not in VPC - Internal IP assigned to server will change
VPC = Virtual Private Cloud
Setup VPC
Login to the AWS ConsoleClick on VPC tab.
Click on VPC Dashboard
Create a VPC with Single Public Subnet Only (default option)
VPC Defaults to network space with the server within
Note which availability zone the VPC subnet was created in (in VPC tab, see subnets on left side menu)
To add a server to the VPC, click on Launch EC2 Instances which will take you back to the EC2 tab. When you create your host following, make sure that it is in the proper availability zone.
Setup VPC Firewall
Allow the following ports to host (create a security group if you don’t have one already).TCP Ports
80, 443, 22 (restrict from address to known hosts), 25, 110, 143, 993, 995, 7071
Configure DNS
Configure DNS A-Record for your host in your Internet Facing DNS service
elastic.ip.addr.ess A mail.yourdomain
Configure MX Record for your mail domain
yourdomain MX 10 mail.yourdomain
Setup local bind server to resolve ‘yourdomain’ to internal IP addresses.
yum install bind
Modify /etc/named.conf to load a custom zone file:
nano -w /etc/named.conf
Add forwarders section in ‘options’ to forward to AWS DNS servers (typically .2 in your VPC ip range, mine is in my example below and my server is Just put this as the last line in the options { ... } section:
forwarders {; };
Add the zone file settings:
zone "yourmaildomain" {
type master;
file "";
allow-update { none; };
Create zone data file:
nano -w /var/named/
Your zone file should look as follows (change yourmaildomain to your email domain, my mail server host name is mail, so fqdn = mail.yourdomain) (also, change the IP to be the IP of your server in the AWS VPC):
$TTL 1800
@ IN SOA ns1.yourdomain. root.yourmaildomain. (
2012041902 ; serial#
1800 ; refresh, seconds
1800 ; retry, seconds
1800 ; expire, seconds
1800 ) ; minimum TTL, seconds
; DNS Servers for 'zimbra.yourmaildomain’'
yourmaildomain. IN NS mail.yourmaildomain.
yourmaildomain. MX 10 mail.yourmaildomain.
mail.yourmaildomain. IN A
Make sure DNS starts on server boot:
chkconfig named on
Reboot server and make sure DNS is started:
ssh back in...
service named status
Configure Server Name
Edit the hosts file:
nano -w /etc/hosts
Add a line that looks like:
ip.addr.ofserver.invpc fqdn.of.server hostnameofserver
The fqdn should match what you specified in the external DNS and the hostname is the part of the FQDN before the domain (I used ‘mail’ in the example above)
Edit the network file:
nano -w /etc/sysconfig/network
Modify HOSTNAME=fqdn.of.server
Modify Amazon VPC DHCP
Modify the Amazon VPC setup’s DHCP Server so that the local DNS server is handed out first.
VPC Management -> DHCP Options Sets
Create DHCP Options Set
Set domain-name = your mail domain
Set Domain-name-servers =,amazondnsserver
(in my case the above two values were -,
Your VPCs -> Check mark next to the VPC to modify, Change DHCP Options Set to new options set.
Setup Zimbra Host
Starting from
AMI:amzn-ami-pv-2012.03.1.x86_64-ebs (ami-e565ba8c)
(I’m use the East Region so this is mine... ymmv)
Launch a new instance.
Create a 20 GB EBS Volume (make sure it is created in the same AWS availability zone as the VPC subnet) and then Attach it to new instance (/dev/sdf)
Assign an elastic IP to the new server.
SSH to new Instance
login with ec2-user and certificate
ssh -i key.pem ec2-user@elasticip
Sudo to sh
sudo sh
Mount new drive, format, copy /var folder to it, then mount it back to /var
mke2fs -F -j /dev/sdf
mkdir /mnt/ec2
mount /dev/sdf /mnt/ec2
cp -a /var/* /mnt/ec2
mount /dev/sdf /var
umount /mnt/ec2
Make system mount this volume every time
nano -w /etc/fstab
Add the following line to the bottom of the file:
/dev/sdf /var ext3 defaults 0 0
Continue with Installation & update Amazon Linux:
yum update
Reboot server to pickup updates.
SSH back into system
ssh -i key.pem ec2-user@elasticip
Login as root...
sudo sh
Install Zimbra
It’s important to make sure DNS is working right before this point...
dig yourmaildomain
dig yourmaildomain MX
Make sure this is being resolved locally... LDAP stuff will mess up during install if you don’t do this.
SSH back into system
ssh -i key.pem ec2-user@elasticip
Login as root...
sudo sh
Change to root folder
cd /root
Download current Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 RPM from
Unpack the file
tar xzvf zcs-7.2.0_GA_2669.RHEL6_64.20120410002025.tgz
Change to the directory created
cd zcs-7.2.0_GA_2669.RHEL6_64.20120410002025
Uninstall sendmail
yum erase sendmail
Fix sudoers file
nano -w /etc/sudoers
comment out ‘Defaults requiretty’
# Defaults requiretty
Fix for libstdc++
Create symbolic link to the following file :
ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib/
Start the Installation
./ --platform-override
Set the admin password (menu option 3, and then menu option 4).
Enter ‘r’ to return to previous menu.
Enter ‘a’ to apply settings.
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