Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Installing sipXecs / openUC from USB Memory Stick

Jim Canfield of EMStar Solutions posted this in the sipx-users mailing list and I thought I'd share it...

1. Download<>the Fedora *liveusb-creator-x-x.zip* and extract to your PC
2. Download<>the *sipxecs-4.2.1-100820-x86_64.iso*
3. Navigate to the *liveusb-creator-x-x* folder and click * liveusb-creator.exe* to launch the tool

1. Under *Use existing Live CD*, browse to where you saved the *
sipxecs-4.2.1-100820-x86_64.iso* and select it
2. Set the *Target Device* to point to your USB flash drive
3. Click *Create Live USB* to begin the creation process


- SEE COMMENTS BELOW - sipxecs setup script is looking specifically for device CDROM during the install. I suggest using the CentOS netinstall method described in the comments section if you don't have a CDROM (or DVD for new 4.4 install).

- Depending on your bios, you may have to edit you grub.conf after install because the install will assume the USB drive is (hd0,0) and the primary hard drive is (hd1,0). To fix, simply edit on boot fail the first time, then edit grub.conf manually once booted. Press ENTER on the fail message, at the menu screen press 'e' and then 'e' again to edit the 'root(hd1,0)' line and change to 'root (hd0,0)', Press ENTER and then press 'b' to boot. After you boot, to edit grub.conf 'nano -w /etc/grub.conf' and change all references to 'root (hd1,0)' to 'root (hd0,0)'.

- Windows 7 users must "run as administrator"

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Java memory problems...

Java virtual machine running out of memory in sipXecs / openUC?

This will manafest itself as Configuration pages not loading and other
Java related errors...

Edit /usr/bin/sipxconfig.sh and change a command that looks like this:

exec $JavaCmd \
$SystemProps \
$JavaOpts \
$TrustStoreOpts \
$KeyStoreOpts \
-classpath "$Classpath" \

to one that looks like this:

exec $JavaCmd \
-XX:MaxPermSize=128M \
-Xmx1024m \
$SystemProps \
$JavaOpts \
$TrustStoreOpts \
$KeyStoreOpts \
-classpath "$Classpath" \

That should increase the fixed memory allocated in the JVM...