Most USB keys will setup SCSI drive device (in my case it was /dev/sda1). Plug in a USB key and check out the /var/log/messages file to see what device was created.
You'll want to get a little program installed on your system called 'scsiadd'. This allows you to remove USB scsi devices from the system without causing them damage. It's available here:
The following assumes you are logged into the system as root...
Add required packages:
yum install lsscsi
If you don't have development tools on your sipXecs system yet, add them:
yum install gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel
Download, build and install scsiadd:
cd $HOME
mkdir scsiadd
cd scsiadd
tar -xf scsiadd-1.97.tar.gz
cd scsiadd-1.97
make install
Command line options:
scsiadd 1.97 - add and remove devices from the scsi subsystem
syntax: scsiadd {-a|-r}
scsiadd {-a|-r}
scsiadd {-a|-r}
scsiadd {-a|-r}
scsiadd [-i maxid] -s
scsiadd [-i maxid] -s
scsiadd -p
parameters not given are assumed 0
-a: add a device (default if no command given)
-r: remove device
-s: scan for devices
-p: print scsi status
-h: print this help message
-i: maximum SCSI ID which is scanned
Here's a good blog article on using scsiadd:
Essentially, to remove a scsi device while the system is running, first find the device with lsscsi and then use scsiadd -r to remove it...
[root@sipx scsiadd-1.97]# lsscsi
[3:0:0:0] disk CBM USB 2.0 5.00 /dev/sdb
[root@sipx scsiadd-1.97]# scsiadd -r 3
could not remove device 0 0 3 0 : No such device or address
[root@sipx scsiadd-1.97]# scsiadd -r 3 0 0 0
[root@sipx scsiadd-1.97]#
Ok, now let's get to making the USB work:
Convert your USB drive from FAT16 or whatever it is to ext3:
mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1
Modify /etc/fstab:
nano -w /etc/fstab
Add the following line at the bottom:
/dev/sda1 /var/sipxdata/backup vfat auto,user,rw,sync 0 0
Test your fstab file now:
mount -a
And check to see that it is mounted:
Change ownership on backup folder:
chown -R sipxchange:sipxchange /var/sipxdata/backup
Perform a test backup from the GUI.