Thursday, January 22, 2009

Make Aastra plugins work in sipXecs 3.10.3

We're looking at putting sipXecs into a customer that already has a bunch of Aastra 5x series phones. Problem is that Aastra managed phone support isn't coming to sipXecs until version 4.0.

However, it is possible to take the plugins from the development version of sipXecs (currently 3.11.

Built a 3.11.9 box and grabbed aastra-phones.jar from the \usr\share\java\sipXecs\sipXconfig folder.

Copied aastra-phones.jar to \usr\share\sipxpbx\lib folder on 3.10.3 box.

Copied all files from to /etc/sipxpbx/aastra.

Changed owner of files and folder to sipxchange ( 'chown sipxchange:sipxchange /etc/sipxpbx/aastra' and 'chown sipxchange:sipxchange /etc/sipxpbx/aastra/*' )

Restarted sipxpbx services (service sipxpbx restart).

What to do when sipXecs ISO installer doesn't have the proper network card drivers...

Installing sipXecs on BioStar Motherboard with Integrated Realtek RTL8110SC/8169SC Network Adpter

CentOS 5.2 with Realtek RTL8110SC/8169SC network adapter

The CentOS installed from the sipXecs 3.10.2 ISO did not have the drivers for this particular motherboard / network adapter so I was forced to do some digging. So others can benefit from my pain I documented my solution..

I downloaded kmod-r8169-2.3LK_NAPI-1.el5.i686.rpm from to a USB drive on my laptop.

Plugged the USB drive into the server and waited for the 'up' message.

Made a directory to mount the usb drive to (mkdir /media/usbdisk1 )

Mounted the drive (mount /dev/sda1 /media/usbdisk1 )

Changed to the directory (cd /media/usbdisk1 )

Installed the RPM (rpm -ivh kmod-r8169-2.3LK_NAPI-1.el5.i686.rpm )

Rebooted machine.

After boot, login as root.

Run linux setup command (setup)

Set the static IP address on the network card that was specified at sipXecs installation.

Save and exit setup.

Restart network services (service network restart)

Restart sipX services (service sipxpbx restart)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rules for Vyatta to pass XBox Live Traffic

Here are the NAT, Firewall and Interface rules required to pass XBox Live traffic for an XBox 360. My inside interface is eth0 and my outside interface it eth1. Tweak accordingly...

yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy = IP Address of the xbox

NAT stuff:

rule 10 {
destination {
port 88
inbound-interface eth1
inside-address {
address yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
protocol udp
type destination
rule 11 {
destination {
port 3074
inbound-interface eth1
inside-address {
address yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
protocol udp
type destination
rule 12 {
destination {
port 3074
inbound-interface eth1
inside-address {
address yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
protocol tcp
type destination

Rules to apply inbound to outside interface:

rule 30 {
action accept
destination {
port 88
protocol udp
rule 31 {
action accept
destination {
port 3074
protocol udp
rule 32 {
action accept
destination {
port 3074
protocol tcp

The MTU settings on the Interfaces:

ethernet eth0 {
description inside
firewall {
in {
hw-id xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
mtu 1500
ethernet eth1 {
address dhcp
firewall {
in {
local {
hw-id xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
mtu 1500

And, give your XBOX a static IP address:

static-mapping XBOX360 {
ip-address yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
mac-address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

Saturday, January 3, 2009

DNS Concepts with Session Border Controllers

Published another document today on configuring internal / external DNS for use with Session Border Controllers. It's got a bit of a sipXecs slant to it but should be useful for others looking for redundant and load balanced SBC setup help.

It is available HERE and HERE2

YMMV with Asterisk & FreeSwitch installations and SRV based authentication methods... Most of the setups I have seen are A records pointing to the PBX.

Use Microsoft DNS Servers with sipXecs

Alright, so you want to maintain one set of DNS servers for your organization and it's just easier for you to do it with Microsoft's DNS servers?

I made public a document I wrote a couple years ago and published it on the sipX Wiki. Located here.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

OpenSBC on Vyatta Firewall How-To published

After toiling for many hours I was finally able to get OpenSBC running properly on Vyatta. This solution builds a firewall that allows for Inbound SIP calling, Outbound SIP calling and far-end NAT traversal for remote users.

The paper is published HERE and HERE2

Many thanks to Joegen, Eric and Raymond over on the OpenSBC site for their help and patience with me in getting this going.